Our world is a wonderful place in which every nation dwelling on it can have different ways of seeing things, different and unique ways of managing its people, and so on. Of course, every region implies different perspectives and opinions which pave the road of reason why there may be regions where a certain law is reasonable while other regions think it is not. However, there are some laws that might sound funny to a normal person’s ear but really, that law is legitimate and in fact, it is followed and is guided by the people who run that nation. Here are 10 of the most ridiculous laws from all over the globe.

1. Divorce is everywhere and is looked up to even in major countries like the U.S, the U.K, and other more countries. But did you know that in our time now, there are only just 2 nations where divorce is illegal – The Vatican and the Philippines.
2. In Maldives, public observance of any religion other than Muslim is prohibited. Yes, if you are caught walking with a bible in your hand, then you would be reported. It is also an offense to import bibles into the country so in order to avoid offending their people, might as well leave your bible at home if you plan on going on a trip to Maldives.
3. French drivers are required to have a portable breathalyzer inside their vehicle and if caught without it, it will be a fine of 11 Euros. Tourists or passengers inside vehicles are not exempted from this law and therefore should also carry one with them.
4. You cannot be sweet in the United Arab Emirates. This doesn’t mean you cannot eat chocolates in public; this means that displaying affection in public like holding hands, kissing, hugging, etc., are prohibited in the UAE. A lot of tourists have already been reprimanded and even jailed for kissing in public so better stay safe than sorry.
5. Singapore has a lot of laws that will make you laugh and smile. One example is that you cannot chomp gum while you are inside the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system. Another one is that lighting a cigarette in a public place, in a restaurant, on the streets, at the parks, etc., is also illegal. Now you get the idea why it is one of the cleanest countries in the world.
6. In Barcelona, wearing swimsuits or swimming attire is only applicable in beach areas. If you plan on leaving the beach, even if you just go to your car that is parked quite far from your location, you need to ensure that you have proper clothes. Non-compliance to this law can create a huge hole inside your pocket.
7. One major town in Alberta, Canada imposed swearing, cursing, spitting, and even yelling as illegal. So you better think of controlling yourself before going on the said town.
8. If you are caught winking at a woman in Ottumwa, Iowa, you will be fined and you can be sent in jail.
9. Probably one of the most ridiculous laws is in Thailand. This goes to every place in Thailand because if you go there and you accidentally step on your money, then you can be dragged down to jail.
10. In Hong Kong, there is a law that allows a wife to kill her husband if she finds out that he is cheating (with evidence or proof). The thing is, the wife needs to do the killing with her bare hands. Sounds nasty, does it?
Well, as you can see, these are only 10 of the most ridiculous laws out there and I am glad that I informed you about this so you know the policies in these places. Be sure to remember to avoid being reprimanded on a land you are not familiar with. Stay tuned for more articles regarding different ridiculous laws all over the globe.