Upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 Could Have an Eye Scanner

The Samsung Galaxy S4 that the company unleashed last year was not really the big hit that Samsung folks were expecting. But for its next flagship phone, the Galaxy S5, Samsung is ensuring it makes a loud noise when it gets unveiled in April.

Based on what Samsung Executive Vice President for Mobile Lee Young Hee said to Bloomberg at CES 2014, it looks like they are planning something big for the S5. He said that they will be focusing on the display and the feel of the cover but, he also said that they are studying eye scanners although he did not determine whether it will be included in the S5 or not.

If Samsung do opt for the eye scanner as one of the highlights in the Galaxy S5 their device will be the first to have it. They won’t be infringing on iPhone 5S’ feature since what that Apple device has is a fingerprint scanner.

Almost everything about the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 is still pure speculation including the reported curved display that it will have.

What’s true, however, is the smart watch that will accompany the Samsung Galaxy S5. It’s actally a new version of the Galaxy Gear smartwatch only that it’s less bulky and has lots of fitness tracking features. It can measure calories, heart rate and stress levels, which makes it a must-have for health-conscious individuals.

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