Filipinas Can Now be Carefree Because Catcalling is Banned in Manila

Every single day, there are thousands, if not, millions of Filipinas being catcalled in the streets. It could be anywhere and it’s just not something that cannot be taken off. Fortunately, the council of Manila implemented a rule that would be helpful in these scenarios. Good news because catcalling is banned in Manila now.

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Led by Manila District 4 Councilor Krystle Bacani; Ordinance No. 7857 or “An Ordinance Penalizing Catcalling and Other Forms of Public Sexual Harassment,” is now being observed. With this new ruling, catcallers all over Manila will be penalized by doing such an act. According to Bacani:

This will penalize all forms of sexual harassment in public spaces such as catcalling, wolf-whistling, leering, groping, and many others.”

Catcalling is banned in Manila

Finally, catcalling is banned in Manila

This is not just the first instance of this. As a matter of fact, the first ordinance of this was passed in 2016 to penalize the harassers of women in the streets. Now, the intensity of that ruling has been increased because even whistling and even maliciously looking can now be subject to the new rules.

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Senator Risa Hontiveros, a nationally known advocate of women expressed her excitement and experience with the new bill being observed:

The passage of this landmark measure is a big victory for women and safe spaced advocates. It is historic and groundbreaking. An anti-catcalling ordinance in the country’s capital is a big boost to the campaign to protect its women from daily street harassment and a clear policy shift on the part of our local government. This will certainly serve as an inspiration as we push for the passage of a similar policy on the national level.”

Here in our country, catcalling is normal and can be seen literally EVERYWHERE. From the streets and even in private places, you would encounter catcalling. Although we’re not saying that it’s a fine thing that’s happening, it was a good call that after so many encounters, catcalling is banned in Manila.

Now, women won’t feel afraid of wearing “what they want” in public places because that’s one defense of catcallers. According to them, “women are teasing with their clothes and it’s not our fault.” That perspective is so wrong and now will serve justice to those who need it.

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