A total of 250,000 laptops will be purchased in all on a budget of P1.8billion. These laptops will be bought in a duration of three years. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) will purchase 95,000 laptops in 2014, 80,000 in 2015 and the rest in 2016 or until all national government employees having Salary Grade 4 and above are furnished with a laptop.
The laptops given to employees will be replaced every three years according to reports. Recipients can buy the laptop at 10 percent of the original price after three years.
In the project Integrated Government Philippines or iGovPhil, the government aims to make every government employee an e-civil servant. This is in line with the plan to design an efficient electronic or e-government infrastructure in the country.
However, all government employees will be required to use the official gov.ph email address when conducting electronic communications or when dealing with the public. This is to ensure the security and efficiency of national government agencies websites.
As early as now, Moya is urging government agencies to start using the e-government infrastructure being advocated by the national government through the iGovPhil project. He added that opting for the e-government infrastructure will save billions in terms of time and money.