“Miko” a four year old boy, turning 5 this coming December, is a son of Phillip John Secillano and Imee Secillano. His father Philip came from Polangui, Albay and his Mother Imee from Cebu.
Watch some of his video below while solving geometry problems.
Philip describe him as an ordinary boy who enjoys karate and swimming which you can also watch some of his video in the YouTube channel of his father.
Miko is like an ordinary 4 year old boy but he can probably beat you in solving geometry problems, his father YouTube channel uploaded some of his video while solving mathematical problems.
Watch some of his video below while solving geometry problems.
Solving the Volume of a Cone and a Cube.
Calculating the Area of a Rocket Ship
Solving Volume of a Cylinder
Finding the Area of Ellipse and Trapezoid
Not only that he can also recite the Capital Cities of 164 countries, can you?
For more Miko’s video visit and subscribe to his YouTube Channel of Facebook Page.