During the Consumer Electronics Show 2015, Asus has unveiled a new phone to watch out for, the new ZenFone 2! This device boasts a 5.5-inch Full HD IPS display. This will surely sit well with selfie addicts because it comes with a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera.
Speed and performance will definitely be exceptional because it packs in a 64-bit 2.3GHz super quad-core Intel Atom processor with choices of 2GB and 4GB memory. On top of this a Android 5.0 Lollipop with Asus ZenUI.
Asus’ new ZenFone 2 also offers dual SIM support, Wi-Fi, 4G LTE speeds of up to 150MB. And if the user is in a hurry, its 3,000 mAH battery comes with a fast-charging technology that charges 6-% in just 39 minutes!
And even with its powerful specs, ZenFone 2’s price will start at $199 for the 2GB RAM version. This phone will make its way to the market in March.