The Professional Regulation Commission approved the program for the Physician Licensure Examination on January 3, 2017 and it has been posted in the website just last year. Just like other examinations, examinees would be needed on the rooms for the testing BEFORE 6:30 AM on the date of the examination. There would be two (2) batches of the Physician Licensure Examination. This March 5, 6, 12, & 13 and in September 9, 10, 16, & 17. The deadline of filing this coming March is on the 8th of February while the September batch will be on the 15th of August.

According to the department, there would be testing centers in Baguio, Cebu, Zamboanga, and Manila for the first (March) batch. The September batch would have testing centers at Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao, and Cagayan De Oro. For the room assignments, all are not yet available. Rest assured that the room assignments will be announced two (2) to three (3) days before the examination.
To further remind you of the instructions each examinees should be aware of, read the following:
1. Of course, late comers will not be admitted. So you need to report as early as 6-6:30 AM on the date of your examination to verify your room and seat number.
2. Examinees are required to wear their school uniform
3. Bring the following on the date of the examination:
a. Official Receipt
b. Pencils (no. 1 or no. 2)
c. Notice of Admission (NoA)
d. Black Pens ONLY
e. Metered-Stamped Window Mailing Envelope
f. Long Brown Envelope
g. Long Plastic Envelopes
4. Cellular phones and other gadgets are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If caught, then you may be subject to disqualification where you might lose your opportunity in gaining your license.
5. Programmable Calculators and Examination aids are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
6. Make sure to review your Notice of Admission (NoA) and to bring it during your exam.
Now that you are aware of the room assignments, take note of all the instructions written above to avoid hassle and interruption from your taking of the exam. Again, take note that LATE COMERS WON’T BE ENTERTAINED so be there on or before 6:30 AM on your examination date.