Did You Just Lose Your Sense of Smell and Taste? It May be a Sign of COVID-19 Infection

With the current 2019 Coranavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic disease we are facing now, it would be best to have a bit of knowledge of what it is. In addition to that, it would also help to know some of its signs and symptoms; this is to avoid getting it or even to avoid infecting other people if you are infected. But did you know that researchers recently pointed out that if you lose your sense of smell and taste, it’s possible that you are infected.

Did You Recently Lose Your Sense of Smell and Taste?
This image was taken from Pixabay | Pixabay.com

But what are the currently known symptoms? According to health experts and those who have encountered it, approximately two (2) to 14 days from the time you’ve been exposed to the Coronavirus, you will feel symptoms similar to that of a regular flu.

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You’ll experience a series of dry coughing at first. Then, your body would react by causing a fever that can go high as 39 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, it will continue to cause shortness of breath, chest pains, and the like which are all possibilities that lead to pneumonia.

Some of the common early symptoms of the COVID-19 includes:

  • Flu-like fever
  • Dry coughing
  • Mild sore throat
  • Fatigue; feeling of tiredness
  • Nauseating feeling with vomiting
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea

If you ever experience any of these symptoms, it would be best to have yourself checked by a doctor to see what’s going on. You might just have the regular flu because of the climate; or you could have colds because it’s hot during the morning and it’s cold at night.

However, if you you experience shortness of breath, at least once, you might really need to seek medical assistance to double check your status and your condition.

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Losing your sense of smell and taste?

Just recently, aside from these flu-like  symptoms, doctors and medical experts were able to rule out two (2) more signs that can hint that you might have the coronavirus; and that’s Anosmia and Ageusia.

What is Anosmia and Ageusia?

Anosmia is commonly known as smell blindness. It limits the ability and causes you to lose the ability to detect one or more smells. On the other hand, Ageusia is the loss of the sense of taste.

Basically, these signs that you lose your sense of smell and taste can possibly hint that you have been hit with the virus on a milder scale.

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Several doctors and researchers in the World Health Organization (WHO) have considered this as a sign for several reasons and cases. As a matter of fact, they have noted that a mother who caught the coronavirus was unable to smell her baby’s full diaper and even cooks who are able to name each and every spice in a dish can’t smell some of them and says that the food they serve tastes bland.

Isolation and quarantine

Because of this recent discovery, Ears, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctors from all over the globe suggested that anyone of us who lose their sense of smell and taste should isolate themselves for at least seven (7) days even if no other symptoms would show.

It’s a precautionary measure best to be followed in order to avoid spreading the disease. Although data is limited on the said symptoms, doctors are concerned enough about this to raise that made them raise  this warning to the public.

The President of British Rhinological Society, Professor Claire Hopkins said in an email that they want to raise awareness about this being a sign of infection.

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We really want to raise awareness that this is a sign of infection and that anyone who develops loss of sense of smell should self-isolate. It could contribute to slowing transmission and save lives.”

Both Professor Hopkins and Nirmal Kumar, the President of ENT UK, released a joint statement urging all health workers to take precautionary actions and use personal protective equipment (PPE) when treating any patients who have lost their sense of taste and smell.

Nonessential sinus endoscopy

On top of this, they also advised medical clinics and doctors performing any nonessential sinus endoscopy procedures on anybody since the virus replicates and spreads in the throat and nose. Apparently, performing an examination can trigger a cough or sneeze that would expose the doctor to higher chances of being infected with the virus.

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Based on the reports from British physicians that they were able to gather from other countries as well,  it indicates that large numbers of COVID-19 patients have experienced both symptoms as mentioned, stating that in South Korea, where testing for the disease is widespread, shows that 30% of 2000 patients who were positive for COVID-19 experience lost of taste and smell as their major presenting symptom.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO) backed this up as well. They posted information about this on their website, stating that although the said symptoms are currently anecdotal evidence right now, both lost in taste of smell and taste are significant symptoms associated with the COVID-19; and they have been seen in people who are tested positive for the disease without exhibiting any other symptoms aside from these two.

Always remember that prevention is better than cure. Since we already know the signs and symptoms of the disease, we cannot emphasize more on taking precautionary measures to avoiding it.

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What else you can do?

Now that we are all aware that if you lose your sense of smell and taste, there are chances that you are infected. Although it’s not serious, you might run the risk of infecting others.

  1. Make sure to wash your hands frequently and properly with either water and soap or alcohol. Properly doing so will kill the virus in case you have come in contact with someone or something that has it.
  2. Take vitamins and multivitamins to strengthen your immune system.
  3. Maintain social distancing. Make sure the you maintain at least one (1) meter or three (3) feet from the nearest person. This is to make sure that the spreading of the virus would be avoided in the event that you need to go out.
  4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth even while you’re at home.
  5. And lastly, stay at home especially if your area is listed to be part of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).

Read: Things That can Put You at Risk For the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Infection

Everybody needs to do their part. Knowledge and preventative measures would be the key in the containing of the virus. Did you experience to lose your sense of smell and taste? Have you wondered why it suddenly went away? Although no proven and strict scientific evidence has been released, you might be infected with the virus.

To better handle the situation, all you have to do is to isolate yourself and ensure that you don’t interact with other people for the time being.

Source: TIME | The New York Times

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